We help business owners increase profitability and comfortably handle growth by managing and interpreting their financials, which includes reporting specifically tailored to your business, so you can make strategic, well-informed decisions.

Dear business owner,
You shouldn’t have to be a team of one. Juggling the many roles it takes to run a business successfully. What you need is a support team of experts who take care of critical areas of your business so you can focus on what you do best. One of those critical team members belongs to your financial department.
After a hard day of working on your business, there is no need to burn the midnight candle dealing with receipts, invoices, or bookkeeping. You can relax on the couch and watch your favorite show or curl up with a book to decompress from the day.
At the end of the month, you get reports and a breakdown of exactly what’s going on in your business, as well as suggestions for improvement or tweaks to make sure your business is on track to meet your goals.
You don’t have to worry about whether the data is even accurate not to mention interpreting the data yourself, trying to learn to read the financial reports when all you see is a bunch of numbers. You get all the info already dissected and interpreted for you. That’s what we do for you.
You don’t have to think about it; all you have to do is implement the suggestions and BAM your business is on track.
What if you have your eye on expanding or want to keep your options open for surprise opportunities?
Let us know, and we will advise you on the protocol and then put your plan in place. All you have to do is say the word, and that’s it… it gets done without any energy from you.
So when you are ready to take out a loan or want to bring in investors, or heaven forbid you get the dreaded IRS letter saying you are being audited…
There is no worry or anxiety, wondering if the proper paperwork is there. Nope, you won’t lose any sleep over it.
Because all of the documents you need will be there, easy to access, and quick to produce due to you having the foresight to have a trusted financial expert on your team. Something to truly be proud of.
You ready to unlock your potential? Click below to schedule a call to get started today and worry no more.
Industries Served
Think about this for a moment…
- 60% of small business owners feel they aren’t knowledgeable when it comes to accounting
- 9/10 small business owners WITH a bookkeeper/accountant say they directly contribute to the business’s success, help the business grow, and boost the owner’s confidence in the business.
- Those business owners WITHOUT a bookkeeper/accountant report having less confidence in their tax situation, more anxiety about the state of their business’s financial health, and more nervousness about their ability to pass an audit.
- 9/10 owners say that having a bookkeeper/accountant significantly reduces stress.
- Bookkeepers save you time AND money.
Having a financial professional on your team is key to unlocking success for your business. We do this by:
- Getting you mission critical info quickly– allowing you to make the proper adjustments to avoid financial disasters that may have been hidden in your blind spot.
- Offer tax planning recommendations so you pay less in taxes.
- Gives you the gift of time- we all know that any time you spend on trying to figure out your books is time not spent taking care of your customers, bring in new sales, or the coveted you time.
- Increase your profits- on average, companies who hired a bookkeeper saw a 16% increase in profits.
Join the many other business owners who are on the proven pathway to long-term success.
Knowing what’s going on when it comes to your financials is one of the keys to unlocking success for your business. You don’t have to juggle all the business roles alone nor should you.
Invest in yourself; invest in your business.
It’s time to bring in that critical financial team member who is also invested in helping your business grow. I know it feels like an expense but deciding to bring on Bray Financial & Consulting is a productive expense that will serve as an asset to your business because we will MAKE YOU MONEY.
We will:
- Take the time to ensure clean data entry
- Double and triple-check the numbers to make sure everything adds up.
- Will look for red flags
- Offer suggestions for improvement in real-time before any problems come up.
- Will keep your goals in mind to make sure your books are on the right track to meet them.
The best part of all of this? You don’t have to do it!
You don’t have to learn the software, don’t have to worry about data input or receipts or even invoices, and keep up with customers to pay. It’s all done for you so you can handle other parts of your business. Increasing efficiency and profits. Go home feeling less like a slave to your business with the endless list of tasks and more like the business owner you are.
Time to transform your business